Does the Bible say anything about fertility treatments or medical assistance?
This is such an important question for us to consider, as many of us have been told that without medical intervention, our chances to have a biological child are slim. What does Scripture say?
The Word of God is so very relevant to our lives today. Even though there is nothing in the Bible that says “Lo, a woman named Beth was infertile, and God said to do IVF”, nor does it say “Thou shalt not use artificial reproductive technology,” we can still turn to it for the answers we seek. What can we learn about God’s view of medical intervention in general? Consider who Jesus called to be His confidants. One of the divinely appointed disciples that Jesus chose to be a member of His inner circle was Luke, a physician. There is no reference of Jesus telling Luke to abandon his interest in medicine, or condemning him for helping sick people with his medical training. In 1 Timothy 5:23, the apostle Paul tells Timothy to take wine for medicinal purposes for his various illnesses. These Scriptures give us a general idea of how God looks at medical intervention. Never forget, however, that Jesus Christ took literal stripes on His back for your healing. All healing comes from Him, whether facilitated through medicine, surgery, medical treatment or instantaneous, miraculous healing.
There is another nugget hidden in Scripture that may be of interest to you as part of a couple struggling with infertility. In Genesis 30, there is a reference to mandrakes, a common fruit which was believed to increase a person’s fertility. The Old Testament equivalent to clomid! This passage tells the story of Jacob and Rachel’s infertility. The mention of mandrakes is not followed by any condemnation, and eventually Rachel is blessed with children. Mandrakes are also mentioned in the Song of Solomon (7:13).
I believe the bottom line is this: God is the Giver of Life. He chooses when and how to grant life, whether He grants this miracle through medical intervention, a spontaneous and miraculous conception, or not at all. You and your spouse must decide how God is leading you, and walk in His will. This writing is done as a starting point for you to study God’s Word for yourself and find answers there. What may be God’s perfect will for one person, may not be for another. Search the Word for what God is saying to you. Remember that He writes the same way He speaks! When you seek Him in prayer, don’t forget to listen for His answers.
Taken from Sarah's Laughter Daily Double Portions
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