Monday, June 22, 2009


I am a little discouraged today. I went for my regular visit/checkup. He had reviewed my ultrasound from Saturday. Dr. Ke was not very pleased with only 1 follicle with being on the medication and the Metformin and loosing weight... But we will see. Maybe the HCG trigger shot released an egg and maybe I will still have a chance of conceiving. He was not pleased with the size of the follicle either. I am going Monday, June 29th for the progesterone blood work to check to see if I ovulated instead of Friday. He wants my levels to be over 10. If I did not ovulate, then I will take Provera to induce my cycle again and then start injectables with the Femara. He adds them to the Femara first because they are so strong and such a risk of multiples. He is also wanting me to highly consider IUI (artificial insemination). With the cost of the injections for the first round with the dose I need being anywhere from $900 to $1200 (Yes! EKK!) then it would be smart to just add $200 more for the IUI and have a greater chance of conceiving. So that is something we have to think about and pray about and possibly make a decision within the next week or so. I just hope and pray God will work a miracle and allow that one follicle to release an egg and allow us to be pregnant. Please keep Robbie and myself in your prayers. We need prayers for wisdom and guidance that we will make the best decision for our family. I am kind of scared about the injections just because of such a high risk of multiples. It is common in people with PCOS to have nothing happen for months and then, even with the medication being slowly increased, hyperstimulating the ovaries. If I produce multiple follicles.. well, you guessed right.. multiple babies! Multiples are not the desired outcome of fertility treatments... but every child is a blessing and Robbie and I vow to make the best out of our situation. I will update next Tuesday when I know the results of my progesterone and if I will be moving on to Protocol #5 (I am on 4 right now).

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