I went in this morning at 7:30am for a baseline ultrasound and bloodwork. My ultrasound went perfectly! My lining was thin which they want it thin right now and I am showing around 20 follicles on each ovary so a lot of possibilities for eggs and precious embryos! My estrogen level was at 27! Which means the down-regulation IVF cycle has gone great! They wanted my estrogen level to be below 60.
Friday, September 3, Robbie and I both start Doxycycline 2x a day for 7 days. This is for the ICSI IVF procedure. Also on Friday I start my Gonal-F! Yay for stimulating my ovaries! On Friday and Saturday I do 225 units and Sunday I do 150 units. On Friday I also decrease my Lupron to 5 units. Monday (Labor Day!) I go in for bloodwork only at 8am with instructions to follow for the next few days after that! I am sooooooo excited and feel incredibly blessed! Robbie and I are thrilled to be starting the retrieval cycle of IVF Friday!!!!
Josie's 12 Month Pictures
1 month ago
Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!! Just got to get back online and check this! So exciting! I'll be praying you through the weekend! Sounds like you are on the right track! Praying for this round to continue to go perfectly!!!