Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.
Romans 8:34
Sometimes I feel like falling apart. Nothing is better than falling into the arms of God. I have learned through infertility that God's arms are strong enough to hold me and they will catch me everything single time. When my strength is gone, His strength becomes perfect in my weakness. I know God can do everything, but sometimes I am so afraid He won't. Whenever I need proof that God is working in my life, all I need to do is simply turn my hand palm up and look at the inside of my wrist.
On the insides of my wrists you can see my blood vessels as clearly as though I had no skin. Nurses love me! They never have to search long for a place to stick me! To me, these bluish tubes buried just below the surface appear stagnant. No movement. No action. To my eyes, they appear as nothing more than streaks of color on my arms. I don’t feel anything. No throbbing. No pressure. They have no sound. If I didn’t see them, I wouldn’t know they are even there.
But what is the reality? Life-giving blood is coursing through those veins! Every moment of my life from just weeks after my conception to even this very second, blood is and has been moving, flowing, providing life-giving nourishment to every cell that joins together to create me and it has never stopped! With every single beat of my heart, blood finds its way through the intricate highway of vessels and arteries and completes the job it was meant to do. I don’t feel it. I don’t have to. Just because I don’t see the blood moving or feel it surging on its journey through my body, doesn’t mean that it’s not carrying out its job to perfection! Even if I absolutely did not believe for a second that the blood was there, my heart would still pump, my cells would still receive nourishment and my body would continue to function. The mere fact that I am alive is proof that blood is flowing. Life is in the blood!
Romans 8:34 tells us that Christ, seated at the right hand of God, is interceding on our behalf. That Christ is seated at the right hand of God is significant, as being seated at the right hand of God designates a position of power. That means that right now, this instant, Christ, is busy working in power for my good. Just as I am blissfully unaware of the blood in my body flowing, working, moving through my veins, God through Christ is flowing, working and moving through the story of my life!
I may not see Him. I may not hear Him. I don’t have to! That doesn’t squash His ability! He’s been working on my life since long before my birth, and He’s working for me even now. As I am typing these words, He’s working. As tears stream down my face, He’s working. As my hopes rise and fall, He’s working. As I sleep at night or as I toss and turn, He’s working. As I find those few precious moments when I forget I have a problem, He’s working. He never stops working on my behalf. And He never will.
Josie's 12 Month Pictures
1 month ago
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