Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Egg Retrieval!

I went in this morning at 8:30 to East Memphis Surgery Center for my egg retrieval. When I arrived I signed a lot of paper work and paid our last payment. They called me back and asked me a lot of preliminary questions, had me change into the hospital gown, and got me started on my IV. Dr. Ke came and talked to me about the procedure (I was so glad my doctor was the one to retrieve the eggs!), the anesthesiologist came and talked to me, and then I was transferred to the IVF procedure room. They had me lay down on the table which my thighs in stirrups. I was very comfortable. It was cold, but they gave me the awesome warm blankets! After that I don't remember once they started my "knock out" medicine through my IV! The procedure started around 9:40 and I woke up in recovery around 10:35. I stayed there for 30 minutes never really fully waking up! Dr. Ke came and talked to me and he was able to retrieve 12 eggs! 11 from my right and 1 from my left. He was pleased and they will call me tomorrow to tell me how many fertilized. They will also let me know tomorrow if they did ICSI depending on what Robbie's sample looked like. ICSI is where they actually inject the egg with the sperm forcing them to fertilize. I also got to drink a Dr. Pepper while in recovery! My favorite! They had me get dressed and wheeled me out to the car where Robbie had my discharge instructions of all the medicine I have to take for the next 2 weeks. My wonderful mom drove me home and has been watching Ryder all day until Robbie gets off work! I am so thankful! I ate some lunch and then took a 3 hour nap! It was fabulous! I have not taken anything for pain, but I am pretty uncomfortable. My right side especially since that side had a lot more poking! During the retrieval they stick a needle through your cervix, through your ovary, and finally through each individual follicle to retrieve the egg. They use an ultrasound to guide their way. I have had a c-section before and that is the closest feeling I can use to describle what I am feeling. Very uncomfortable. I never took pain meds with my c-section and I have not with this egg retrieval, but it is uncomfortable to laugh. They told me everything down there will be contracting (just like the uterus after a birth) and since my ovaries are enlarged and tender from the stim meds and since they were poked all over it feels like I have been cut, which is hurting from everything contracting. Hopefully I will be back to my normal self tomorrow! Can't wait to find out all about my babies tomorrow! I have gotten a lot of e-mails, texts, and calls the past 24 hours and they are greatly appreciated. I can feel God's hand in this whole journey and I know it is because of the power of prayer from everyone. We would still appreciate your prayers because the next few days and week we are still continuing our journey. I ask you to pray for my sweet babies and Lord Willing we will be able to make it to a 5 day transfer with one or two embryos! I will keep you all updated. I will leave you all with a verse from Psalms, "The Lord has done great things for us and our hearts are filled with JOY!" This has been one of my favorite verses throughout this entire experience! I can't wait to Lord Willing share some really great news with you all over the next few days and weeks! Thank you so much again for your thoughts and prayers!

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